HEXA-X-II – NTN Workshop

On the 7th of November, Michael Dieudonne, María Isabel Quesada Gil from Keysight and Delia Rico from University of Malaga, participated in the NTN workshop, organized by HEXA-X-II and other NTN projects like 6G-NTN, ETHER and 5G-STARDUST with a primary goal of fostering mutual learning and collaboration.Our partners delivered two presentations:

  • NTN/TN integration with a focus on multi-connectivity University of Malaga presented 6G-SANDBOX efforts in NTN/TN integration with a focus on multi-connectivity.
  • Study in digital twin to assess the impact of massive random access in sparse NTN Leo constellation– Keysight presented the 6G for the deployment of satellite networks in the paradigm of non-terrestrial networks (NTN).

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