Tag Archive for: 5GPPP

5G-PPP and SNS-JU News are out!

5G-PPP NEWSFLASH, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at  https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-april-2024/

5G-PPP NEWSLETTER, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at  https://5g-ppp.eu/newsletter-33-april-2024/

SNS JU NEWSFLASH prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-april-2024-newsflash/

SNS JU NEWSLETTER prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at  https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-april-2024-newsletter/

The latest issues (March 2024) of 5GPPP Newsflash and SNS JU Newsflash are out!

The latest issue of the 5G PPP NEWSFLASH, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-march-2024/

The latest issue of the SNS JU NEWSFLASH prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-march-2024-newsflash/

5G PPP NEWSFLASH September 2023

The September issue of the 5G PPP NEWSFLASH, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-september-2023/.

5GPPP Newsflash (#77) is out!

In case you missed the the latest 5GPPP newsflash (#77) you can find it here => https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-june-2023/ . Inside this issue you can find all the Highlights of EuCNC & 6G Summit and more news.

The latest 5G-PPP and SNS JU Newsletter is released!

The latest 5GPPP and SNSJU Newsletter April 2023 (#29) is now available! You may find it online here: https://5g-ppp.eu/newsletter-29-april-2023/

The latest 5GPPP and SNS JU Newsflash is released

The latest 5GPPP and SNS JU Newsflash March 2023 (#74) is now available. In this issue you may find all the key dates for the big upcoming events!

Find it online here: https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-march-2023/

The latest 5GPPP Newsflash (#73) is now available

The latest 5GPPP Newsflash February 2023 (#73) is now available. In this issue you may find information on the new SNS projects. Find it online here: https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-february-2023/

A White Paper from Architecture WG is released.

This white paper summarizes the main findings from the European research landscape on the vision of the 6G architecture. Such a design vision is derived from around 45 projects starting from October 2020 in all relevant areas of 5G while paving the way towards 6G, within the 5G Public Private-Partnership (5G PPP) in the scope of the European Framework for Research and Innovation.https://zenodo.org/record/7313232#.Y-TCQnZBxD8