Advisory Board

Dr. Sébastien Faye
Dr. Sébastien Faye is 6G Technology and Innovation Line Manager and Senior Researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST, ITIS department). His work focuses on projects related to 5G-6G wireless networking, smart mobility, and sensor networks. Between 2009 and 2015, he created two start-ups in the video game and web development sectors. From 2011, as PhD candidate at Telecom ParisTech (Paris, France), he investigated the deployment and performance of sensors equipped with magnetometers and short-range wireless radio interfaces for road traffic management. Between 2014 and 2017, Sébastien served as Research Associate at SnT/University of Luxembourg and played an active role in the VehicularLab team. Throughout his career, he has contributed to numerous national and European initiatives for the use, integration, and advancement of wireless networked systems to tackle mobility challenges. Currently, he is the project coordinator of 5G-EMIT (EMF exposure monitoring and simulation – national funding), COMBO (integration of connected and automated vehicles – national funding), and PLUME (LPWAN for waste management – national funding). Additionally, he is a WP leader in MODALES (H2020) and has held various responsibilities at European level, for instance as Quality Manager of 5G-MOBIX (H2020). Sébastien has developed a series of demonstrators designed to assist end-users in making informed mobility choices. He has also authored three patents on location profiling based on network traces, and has authored or co-authored approximately 50 journals and refereed conference articles.

Dr. Valerio Frascolla
Dr. Valerio Frascolla (MSc and PhD in Electronic Engineering) works as Director of Research and Innovation at Intel and as evaluator for the European Commission, the Portuguese, the Latvian, and the Rumanian funding agencies. He had been working at Ancona University, Comneon, Infineon, and attending standards (3GPP, ETSI, IEEE) for 8 years. Valerio has served as advisory board member of 8 EU- and national-funded research projects and covered various roles in other 21, currently being Standardization Manager in VERGE, Innovation Manager in PREDICT-6G, and contributing to SIFIS-Home ISOLDE, FunKI, and 6G-XR. Valerio’s expertise is in wireless systems, requirements management, standardization, and business aspects; his main research domains are wireless systems design with focus on spectrum management and edge, AI, and green technologies. Valerio represents Intel in the European R&D ecosystem as Vice-President of BDVA, and in driving roles in AIOTI and 6G-IA. He is author of 80+ peer-reviewed publications, TPC member of 105+ conferences, reviewer for 50+ journals.

Prof. Tian Hong Loh
Prof. Tian Hong Loh is a Principal Research Scientist at the UK National Physical Laboratory (NPL). He leads work at NPL on a wide range of applied electromagnetic metrology research areas to support the telecommunications industry. He has edited one book, hold six patents, authored and co-authored over 200 refereed publications. He is currently president of the UK Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI) board, visiting professor at Surrey University, UK, visiting industrial fellow at Cambridge University, UK, vice chair of measurement working group of the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), senior member of IEEE, member of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) New Technology Directions Committee, IEEE AP-S Standards Committee, and IEEE Technical Committee on Antenna Measurements. He is an IET Special Issue Editor, an Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (J-ERM), IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (MAP) Journal, and IET Communications (COMM) Journal. He was the project coordinator of an European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project on ‘Metrology for 5G Communications’, and is the project coordinator of an EURAMET EMPIR project on ‘Metrology for RF exposure from massive MIMO 5G base station: Impact on 5G network deployment’.

Prof. Rui L. Aguiar
Prof. Rui L. Aguiar (born 1967) is currently a Full Professor at University of Aveiro. He is currently coordinating a research line in Instituto de Telecomunicações, on the area of Networks and Services. He has been serving as Steering Board Chair of Networld Europe, the European ETP representing the telecommunications community, engaged in the discussions of the future European R&D workprogrames for telecommunications. He has previously been associated with Carnegie Mellon University, the Universidade de Uberlandia, and has been an advisory for the portuguese Secretaria de Estado das Comunicações and member of the task force for 5G cybersecurity. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM. He is a regular keynote speaker in the future of mobile communications and digital society, with dozens of talks across the whole world. He is an associated editor of Wiley’s Emerging Telecommunication Technologies and Springers’ Wireless Networks. He has more than 500 papers published.