Do you own relevant technology that would be a nice addition to the 6G-SANDBOX platforms and are interested in showcasing it? It is possible! 6G-SANDBOX collects technology to showcase them.
Like our existing partners, which can be found on this page, we are open to receiving and hosting your technology. The main advantage of joining 6G-SANDBOX is visibility!
Your technology will be deployed on one or more 6G-SANDBOX platforms (at your discretion) and made available to experimenters. Your technology will also be added to the 6G-SANDBOX platform architectures where active. When your technology is used for experimentation, you will get inside into what it was used for. You can also run some experiments yourself to demonstrate your technology. Your technology does not need to be commercial; it can be a prototype as long as it is good enough to run experimentation. The engagement we propose is an in-kind contribution to 6G-SANDBOX which will be advertised until the end of the project.
If you are interested in contributing to 6G-SANDBOX, please contact us.