6G-SANDBOX collaborates with WAN-AI

6G-SANDBOX builds exciting collaborations with external partners!

6G-SANDBOX invites external parties to engage in non-funded mutual collaborations. Bring your technology to enhance the 6G-SANDBOX platforms and join forces with innovators like WAN-AI, who have already seized this opportunity.

Learn more about the groundbreaking technologies they are contributing to 6G-SANDBOX in the link below https://6g-sandbox.eu/established-collaborations/ and for more information: https://6g-sandbox.eu/experimenting/ and https://6g-sandbox.eu/contribute/.

The latest SNS JU and 5G-PPP News are out!

You may read the latest news of the SNS JU and 5G-PPP ecosystem following the links below:

SNS JU NEWSFLASH prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at  https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-august-2024-newsflash/

SNS JU NEWSLETTER prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at  https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-august-2024-newsletter/ 

5G-PPP NEWSFLASH, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at  https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-august-2024/

5G-PPP NEWSLETTER, prepared by the 6GStart project, is available at  https://5g-ppp.eu/newsletter-34-july-august-2024/

6G-SANDBOX publishes the White Paper ‘Third Party Engagement Guide V1.0’

In alignment with the overall project objectives, the 6G-SANDBOX facility is open to other projects of the Smart Networks and Services initiative, as well as to external organizations, including industry, SMEs, research institutions, and academia. The 6G-SANDBOX is open to any interested party that targets performing experiments or bringing & validate new technologies, by using the 6G-SANDBOX infrastructure and tools. In the white paper published you may find a valuable guide regarding Third Party Experimentation, engagement process and technical Information => https://zenodo.org/records/13594165

Interactive Map of SNS CALL 1 Projects

Stay informed about the entire SNS CALL 1 ecosystem with this handy interactive map from SNS JU! It features direct links to all the projects, making it easy to explore and stay updated.

Check it out here: Interactive Map of SNS Projects.

The SNS JU Newsflash (July 2024) has been released!

The latest Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) Newsflash (July 2024) is released, and among other SNS JU news, 6G-SANDBOX’s Open Call 3 and the MoU with Universiti of Malaya are featured inside!

You may read it here => https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-ju-july-2024-newsflash/

6G-SANDBOX signed an MoU with University of Malaya

As already announced, on the 17th of July 6G-SANDBOX Project signed an MoU with Universiti of Malaya. At that day, some nice photos were taken!

Read here the Press Release which was released on the 17th of July: https://6g-sandbox.eu/…/uploads/2024/07/6G-SANDBOX-UMA.pdf.

ETSI Announces the 1st Release of SDG OpenCAPIF

On the 9th of July, ETSI announced the 1st Release of SDG OpenCAPIF.

‘OpenCAPIF 1.0.0 brings significant enhancements to user management. Security has been improved by ensuring key services only communicate through secure channels. Users can now take on multiple roles (Invokers and/or Providers), making the system more versatile, and a new administrator role helps manage user registrations and administration tasks. Additionally, user tracking has also been improved.’

6G–SANDBOX project is part of the OpenCapif Reseacrh Ecosystem.

For more information you may go here => https://ocf.etsi.org/news/20240709_etsi_annouces_opencapif_release_1/

6G-SANDBOX collaborates with Virginia Diodes, Inc.

6G-SANDBOX builds exciting collaborations with external partners!

6G-SANDBOX invites external parties to engage in non-funded mutual collaborations. Bring your technology to enhance the 6G-SANDBOX platforms and join forces with innovators like Virginia Diodes, Inc, who have already seized this opportunity.

Learn more about the groundbreaking technologies they are contributing to 6G-SANDBOX in the link below https://6g-sandbox.eu/established-collaborations/ and for more information: https://6g-sandbox.eu/experimenting/ and https://6g-sandbox.eu/contribute/.

6G-SANDBOX EuCNC & 6G Summit papers at IEEE XPLORE

We are thrilled to announce that our 2 conference papers, presented at EuCNC & 6G Summit are now available at IEEE XPLORE. You may read following the links below:

  1. “A Proof of Concept Implementation of an AI-assisted User-Centric 6G Network” https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10597020
  2. ‘On-demand Trial Networks over 6G-SANDBOX infrastructure’ https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10597112

6G-SANDBOX Newsletter Issue 6 is released!

The 6G-SANDBOX 6th Isse (April-June 2024) is released! You may read it here.